Hemorrhoids popularly known as pile are swollen vein which can occur in the rectum (internal hemorrhoid) or at the external mouth of the anus (external hemorrhoid).  This thread will answer some of your questions from the reason behind your long-term hemorrhoids to ineffective treatment remedies so far.

Kindly note that almost 60% of the global population are suffering from various symptoms of hemorrhoids ranging from pain in the anal region, blood stooling, severe itching,  protruding vein from the internal part of the anus during bowel movement, swollen around the external part of anus etc., thereby making free bowel movement impossible,  making it difficult to sit comfortably and creating fear of passing bowel.

Causes And Risk Factors Of Hemorrhoids.

You may be more likely to get hemorrhoids if other family members, like your parents had them.

Pressure building up in your lower rectum can affect blood flow and make the veins there swell. That may happen from: Pushing during bowel movements, Straining when you do something that’s physically hard, like lifting something heavy.

Extra weight, like obesity


Pregnancy, when your growing uterus presses on your veins

A diet low in fiber

Anal sex

People who stand or sit for long stretches of time are at greater risk, too.

You may get them when you have constipation or diarrhea that doesn’t clear up. Coughing, sneezing, and vomiting could make them worse.


Dear readers, You might have probably tried to tackle your pile by following a strict diet plan, spending money on all kinds of creams and medications that only treat the symptoms and provide a temporary relief, rather than tackle the main cause of hemorrhoids. This can be very expensive and time-consuming, yet the results that you got don’t last for long.

Do you know why?

Firstly, there is no orthodox medication that  can cure hemorrhoids completely.  Daflon,  Anusol suppositories and many other are basically designed for temporal relief that’s why you keep buying it time to time just to manage it. The effect of taking orthodox medications with varying side effects is another important aspect.

Secondly,  you might have been offered several native or herbal remedies which still prove abortive or some treatment recommendations online.  Scent leaves,  bitter leaves and momordical charantia (ejirin)  juice extraction and many other common pile (Jedi)  herbs truly works  but not for the chronic ones that is already protruding or formed lump around the external part of your anus.  Have you ever discuss with the local herb sellers about your case?  Do you you remember you’ll be given herbal remedies immediately you tell them your anus is coming out, without critical analysis to ascertain which of the hemorrhoids.

In Yoruba speaking regions, when you say I have protruding anus (idi yiyo)  you’ll be given various medications without taking the type of your hemorrhoids into consideration that’s explains why some of their remedies worsen your case.

Imagine a case of internal hemorrhoid, whereby you’re given soap remedy to wash that reddish protrusion, chai!!! how would you survive that terrible pain!  Soap remedy can only be used  in some occasions for the external swollen not the internal hemorrhoid. So,  knowing what to treat is very important  before delving into treatment. And this can only happen when solution is being sought from a specialist.


However, let me quickly highlight the major types of hemorrhoid and their specific features for you to have deep knowledge of what you’re passing through so far and why you need a pile specialist to handle your case.

Types Of Hemorrhoidstypes of hemorrhoids

  • Internal hemorrhoid,
  • External hemorrhoid.

INTERNAL HENORRHOID: This is simply the swollen vein that occurs in the rectum and it has four different degrees namely :

(a) First degree internal hemorrhoid : at this stage, the swollen vein would develop in the rectum without protruding out during bowel movement. Blood stooling, itching and painful sensation during bowel movement are the major symptoms of first degree internal hemorrhoid and these symptoms are also common to all degrees of internal hemorrhoids.

(b) 2nd degree internal hemorrhoid : at this stage, the reddish swollen vein in the rectum would be protruding externally only during bowel movement and subsequently go back to the anus automatically without pushing it.

(c) 3rd degree internal hemorrhoid : unlike 2nd degree, the protrusion here would not go back automatically but requires the sufferer to push it back with his finger.


Kindly note that when it is getting to the 4th degree, the protrusion will be taking time to go back because the swollen vein is becoming more thicker and weaker, thereby making contraction difficult.

(d) 4th degree internal hemorrhoid : This is the last phase of internal hemorrhoids. Also, the weakest level of contraction for the swollen vein. At this stage, the usual reddish protrusion coming out during bowel movement would cease to move back to the rectum even when push with force, it would remain outside. Some patients suffering from this degree of hemorrhoids do say they have “external hemorrhoid” but not.

EXTERNAL HEMORRHOIDS: These are swollen veins that occur around the external part of the anus. External swollen around the mouth of anus can developed in various regions, the number of this swollen vein differs with individual and can easily be touched when squart down.

This can be painful by making bowel movement and sitting difficult.

There is a condition whereby a person can be suffering from both external and internal hemorrhoid at the same time,  this is called Combined hemorrhoids.  This is usually triggered by the pressure the internal protruding swollen vein is exerting on the tissues surrounding the mouth of the anus during bowel movement, thereby making the mouth of the anus to be inflamed.


Another symptomatic features of external hemorrhoid is called thrombosed hemorrhoids – when the blood pools in an external hemorrhoid and forms a clot (thrombus), it can result in:

  • Severe pain
  • Swelling
  • Inflammation
  • A hard lump near your anus.

We basically specializes in the treatment of hemorrhoids and what we offer is purely “treatment”.  we do not sell herbs,  we prepare treatment remedies based on the case of the sufferer. Our mode of treatment as specialist is a combination of dietary advice and treatment remedies, having known the;

FOR THE TREATMENT They basically specializes in the treatment of hemorrhoids and what they offer is purely “TREATMENT”.  They do not sell herbs,  They prepare treatment remedies based on the case of the sufferer. Their mode of treatment as specialist is a combination of dietary advice and treatment remedies, having known the;

Type (internal or external)

Degree, if it is internal, (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th degree)


Years of its existence,

The gender and age of the sufferer,

Whether or not the hemorrhoid bleeds and

Other health status of the patient.

The above questions are very important for exact diagnostic features to be ascertained as the type and degrees of hemorrhoids treatment remedies differ.


The mode of their treatment is not orthodox but purely herbal which is 100% natural with over 20years treatment experience.  Testimonies within and outside Nigeria are quite numerous with few of them attached to this postPILE PERMANENT CURE

The treatment duration is 4 weeks maximum irrespective of your years of suffering.

Food To Avoid And Those To Embrace;

  • Avoid solid foods like Eba, bread or junk foods.
  • Avoid foods garnished with too much pepper.
  • Avoid excessive intake of beef meet and okra soup.
  • Avoid sugary drinks, beverages and soft drinks.
  • Do take vegetables and other laxatives to soften your stool.
  • Do drink a lot of water after meal.
  • Take fruits especially cucumber and garden egg. Please don’t take oranges and ripped or fried plantain always, avoid them totally if possible.
  • Don’t eat when you’re not hungry.
  • Don’t sit for too long on WC
  • Do exercise.

Don’t give up yet, don’t choose despair, all you need is to try one more time and get lifetime freedom from the menace of hemorrhoid popularly known as pile. Remember, your diagnostic features need to be ascertained in clearer terms before any treatment remedies can be recommended.

You might not require more than advice depending on your case.


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